
Reflection of October 2014.

It was a fun month. Most of the initial weirdness and shock has pretty much disappeared. I’m completely used to day-to-day life.

I have been really enjoying my exchange so far! I have a great group of friends that I can talk to and hang out with every day at school; I enjoy my classes, like my teachers and enjoy my club. I am also able to do things with my language school that is very fun and quite useful for learning the language. So all in all I am enjoying most of my time here though I am definitely looking forward to the rest of my year in japan!

Emotional ranking chart /10

Happiness 9/10

Preparedness 9.5/10

Homesickness 3.7/10

Excitement 8/10

Anxiety 2/10


Overall rating 9/10   

Skills ranking/ 10

Chopsticks 9.9/10

School 9/10

Reading 8.5/10

Understanding what people say 8/10

Like of fish 7.5/10

Cultural understanding (Manners) 7/10

Cultural understanding (Day to day life) 8.5/10
